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Frespo bets on Tensio’s ‘fresh’ view and saves time for more production

Frespo bets on Tensio’s ‘fresh’ view and saves time for more production

Placed at 18-06-2024

It all starts with a fresh potato, they say at Frespo. The success and volume of fresh quality potato products is growing steadily and so is the demand for more time for production.
Within the continuous improvement collaboration with Frespo, Tensio came up with an approach to realize this challenging demand for more production time. Tensio’s Technical Services experts were also involved. Together with Frespo the new solution was analyzed, tested, fine-tuned and secured.
Together, we saved over a week’s production time per year. This saves more than €30,000.
A nice bonus is that the quality indicators have also improved.

Cleaning with less phosphorus, fostering nature

Cleaning with less phosphorus, fostering nature

Placed at 18-06-2024

Making lives healthier by helping people enjoy fruit and vegetables at any moment, easily, quickly and pleasurably, whilst fostering nature. With this vision, Greenyard is happy to commit to initiatives that ensure less environmental impact. As an expert in cleaning and disinfection, Tensio as a partner also likes to contribute.
Sustainability is an increasingly important topic for many companies. Greenyard is also proactively working on this theme. Specifically, Greenyard wanted to reduce the phosphorous content of its waste water. Besides having a positive effect on the environment, it was also an opportunity to look at how to clean more safely.
Together with Greenyard analysis were conducted, tests performed and ensured that the new cleaning procedures were also secured within daily operations. The result: 638kg less phosphorus in wastewater per year.

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